Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.
The condition “
Document contains administration name
” has been added to the automation rules for Uploading & Reading. By adding this condition to the entry line, only documents containing the administration name will be read. The example below states that documents are only read when:- The purchasing journal type is;
- Documents do not need to be split (for more information, see dit artikel);
- The administration name appears on the document (we remove spaces and dots from the document text and the administration name check if there is a match in a case-insensitive way);
- The supplied e-mail did not contain 2 attachments (these may need to be samengevoegd);

Twinfield: RGS support
When using our environmental booking templates, Twinfield administrations can now also use the RGS classifications (which are set in the general ledger accounts in Twinfield).
In this way, one booking template can be used in multiple administrations, regardless of whether different charts of accounts apply here.
Public API extensions
We've expanded our public API with a webhook for the “Booking Authorization Status Changed” event. This can be executed when the status changes to “Pending” or “Rejected”.
For more information, see our API documentatie.
An option to work with a percentage of the amount combined with rule recognition has been added to booking templates. In this way, the amount recognized via rule recognition can be increased or decreased by a percentage.
When an amount is debited on the invoice, but when it is desirable to book it as a credit, a percentage can now be set to -100%.
When an administration is exempt from VAT and the amounts are listed on the invoice excluding VAT, a percentage can now be set to 121% or 109%.
When using our universele UBL export boekhoudpakket koppeling, it was previously mandatory to enter an export email address so that the UBL invoice generated by Zenvoices could be sent by email to your accounting package. This obligation has been undone, so that bookings can also be retrieved from our archive via API, without sending an email containing the UBL invoice.
In this way, Zenvoices can be used in combination with accounting and ERP packages that do not offer integration by default.
All existing users and roles with
Pages | Dashboard
rights (such as the standard Provider role) have been given access to this new user right (previously they also had rights to this). If it is not desirable for users to be able to see and filter for administration tags, this user right can be disabled.
From this release, the booking proposal under Not complete will be shown if multiple master data matches the settings in the template.
When a booking template defines the ledger via RGS classification, but when this RGS classification is linked to multiple ledger accounts in the accounting package, Zenvocies will no longer generate a complete entry proposal. The ledger field will remain empty. Previously, the first match was shown. We then recommend making the conditions more unique by, for example, including (part of) the description of the ledger.
This adjustment has made the software more predictable.
The “Transitory booking” option has been added to booking templates. This is also known as “Deferred costs or turnover”. Previously, a period had to be manually entered when a booking had to be booked in a transitory manner. With booking templates, the correct period can be automatically suggested with the invoice date as starting point.
For example, you can choose:
- Fixed period--> enter a from and to date.
- Relative period--> choice of previous, current, upcoming week/month/quarter and year, among others.
- Copy from e-invoice--> period from the e-invoice is taken over.
Do you receive multiple invoices from one supplier that need to be booked in different ways? Then create multiple booking templates and activate them via the Booking method assignment rule
.The above functionality is available in the Basic, Pro, and Complete subscriptions and can only be used if the associated accounting or ERP package supports it.
Refer to dit artikel for more information.
Exact Online Bouw
Multi ERP
Automatically review bookings based on obligations and own criteria
At the journal level, a setting has been added to allow financial entries to be reviewed. Through this setting, bookings can be rated “Correct” or “Incorrect” based on adjustable criteria. Through our purchase invoice review rules, you can indicate when a booking should be reviewed correctly.
Example 1:
Do you work with an accounting or ERP package that supports obligations (also known as delivery notes)? Through our purchase invoice assessment rules, you can have partial invoices of an obligation assessed as correct, as long as the obligation amount is not exceeded. If the mandatory amount is exceeded, the booking will be deemed incorrect.
Example 2:
If it is desirable that a project is always inserted, entry rules without a project can be assessed as incorrect via their own review rule.

Via Autorisatiemanagement, incorrectly reviewed bookings can be automatically rejected.
For more information, see dit artikel from our help center. Automatic purchase invoice review rules are only available in the Complete subscription.
Twinfield: line level transitory booking support
Transitory booking has been adjusted from head level to line level. Previously, only the entire booking could be booked in transit. As a result of this adjustment, it can be determined for each booking line whether or not it should be booked in a transitory way.
Refer to dit artikel for more information.
Tip for all users:
Click on your right mouse button in the entry line
to apply the transitory booking settings to all booking rules (the print screen below comes from a Twinfield administration, the layout may differ per accounting package) .

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